Benji and I went to Lambert's today, where we did not find the 'perfect pumpkin'. So we made our way down to Mahoney's where we found two picture perfect pumpkins to bring home and carve.
And so we did! We got to his house, he showered, and we set up the newspapers on his dining room table. We got right down to business. He was done with his top before I had gotten even halfway. He's good at getting the guts out, and I get distracted too easily by how yucky it feels.
I carved mine all cutesy and Ben carved his scary. He found a mini hatchet (I guess it's a cheese knife?) and stuck it in the head. Shelley's was by far the best- she handcarved Boo! in her pumpkin. And didn't even use a sketch.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Week Five: Halloween Week!
I am the world's biggest fan of Halloween. Getting dressed up, candy, cupcakes, best friends, the works! This year, my friend Sam is having us all over to her house and we're probably going to trick or treat around her neighborhood. Even if it's just for a little while-her neighborhood gives out full size cacndy bars, chili, and hot apple cider. Plus, they expect older kids over younger ones, since the whole neighborhood has grown up. Then we'll probably head back to her house, play Rockband and get sugar rushes.
Goal Number 49: Dress up for Halloween.
I'm thinking about going as a stereotype. Ben is going as a bro (you know, Bromance? The type of guys who are total toolbags and pretty much peak in high school?) and Ethan is going as some sort of stereotype. He said so on Facebook, but hasn't gotten back to me when I asked which one. There's this girl who comes into the cafe a lot who dresses like every day is Halloween. I might go as her...
Goal Number 120: Go pumpkin picking.
Pumpkin picking, to me, means picking out the perfect pumpkin. Whether that be at Lambert's or at a church. Who cares? I just want a good pumpkin.
Goal Number 121: Carve a pumpkin.
A Halloween classic. I don't feel like this needs to be explained any further.
Goal Number 120a (I see a typo on my list!): Go on a Haunted Hayride.
How perfect! The night before Halloween, go down somewhere to go on a Haunted Hayride. I think they still have them in Dennis.
Goal Number 130: Throw a mini Halloween party.
Friends having fun = a good party.
Five goals this week? I can do it!
Goal Number 49: Dress up for Halloween.
I'm thinking about going as a stereotype. Ben is going as a bro (you know, Bromance? The type of guys who are total toolbags and pretty much peak in high school?) and Ethan is going as some sort of stereotype. He said so on Facebook, but hasn't gotten back to me when I asked which one. There's this girl who comes into the cafe a lot who dresses like every day is Halloween. I might go as her...
Goal Number 120: Go pumpkin picking.
Pumpkin picking, to me, means picking out the perfect pumpkin. Whether that be at Lambert's or at a church. Who cares? I just want a good pumpkin.
Goal Number 121: Carve a pumpkin.
A Halloween classic. I don't feel like this needs to be explained any further.
Goal Number 120a (I see a typo on my list!): Go on a Haunted Hayride.
How perfect! The night before Halloween, go down somewhere to go on a Haunted Hayride. I think they still have them in Dennis.
Goal Number 130: Throw a mini Halloween party.
Friends having fun = a good party.
Five goals this week? I can do it!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Goal Number 7: Spend at least 300$ on myself - Completed!
This is one goal I wish wasn't done yet, but it has come to an end! And I loved every second of it.
From Hollister, I bought a sweatshirt on clearance, Huntington Surf Team. It made my friend jealous, since I suppose she wanted one first. I didn't feel so bad, though, since her name certainly wasn't on it. I'm not all that into 'claiming clothes', especially since everyone wears them differently. And a Glamour magazine, as my subscription isn't due until next month.
From Best Buy I bought a Britney Spears CD. I was feeling a bit down when I was shopping (an exfriend insulted my over Facebook. Mature, huh?) so I wanted a happy CD to keep in my car to cheer me up.
From PacSun, I bought flip flops, a pink zipup hoodie and leggings.
From American Eagle, I bought a 'favorite' long sleeve tee in yellow/gray.
From Forever 21, two necklaces. A silver camera and a heart.
And from the Boarding House, I bought plain white boots, which look SO boring I may just have to spice them up with little black puff paint flowers. Stephanie + plain white = not happenning.
From Hollister, I bought a sweatshirt on clearance, Huntington Surf Team. It made my friend jealous, since I suppose she wanted one first. I didn't feel so bad, though, since her name certainly wasn't on it. I'm not all that into 'claiming clothes', especially since everyone wears them differently. And a Glamour magazine, as my subscription isn't due until next month.
From Best Buy I bought a Britney Spears CD. I was feeling a bit down when I was shopping (an exfriend insulted my over Facebook. Mature, huh?) so I wanted a happy CD to keep in my car to cheer me up.
From PacSun, I bought flip flops, a pink zipup hoodie and leggings.
From American Eagle, I bought a 'favorite' long sleeve tee in yellow/gray.
From Forever 21, two necklaces. A silver camera and a heart.
And from the Boarding House, I bought plain white boots, which look SO boring I may just have to spice them up with little black puff paint flowers. Stephanie + plain white = not happenning.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A mini goal on the side.
I have to find an anniversary gift for Benji, as our two year is coming up in a month. Last year I got him 365 reasons why I love him, one for every day. I worked on it for a long time. I think I know what he might be getting me (at least I hope so) and it's the sweetest gift ever. I mean, if he didn't get it for me I would probably buy it for myself and tell everyone he bought it.

A necklace in the shape of the mathematical sign for infinity.
Now, seeing as Ben doesn't wear jewelry, doesn't need clothes, my stubborn refusal to buy him something for his car, and how laid back he is, I just don't know what to do. Google is failing me for once.
My first mini goal is to find an almost-perfect, if not completely perfect, gift for him.
A necklace in the shape of the mathematical sign for infinity.
Now, seeing as Ben doesn't wear jewelry, doesn't need clothes, my stubborn refusal to buy him something for his car, and how laid back he is, I just don't know what to do. Google is failing me for once.
My first mini goal is to find an almost-perfect, if not completely perfect, gift for him.
Goal Number 5: Successfully write and deliver a five minute speech - Completed!
A few hours ago I delieved my speech entitled 'Big Moutain, Meet Little Girl'. It was about how to dress for a day spent snowboarding. It was difficult, and I swear to you that my voice was shaking. I swear that everyone could tell, too. But everyone's been telling me that I did a good job, so I suppose I should listen to them.
Ben did a great job too. He even got a few laughs. And our professor told us we spoke within one second of each other. Strange, huh?
Ben did a great job too. He even got a few laughs. And our professor told us we spoke within one second of each other. Strange, huh?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Week Four: A Little Discouraged.
Two years ago, I was diagnosed by a psychologist with Seasonal Affective Depressive Disorder (SADD). This means that during the year when it's darker, cloudier, and has all-around less light, I show signs and symptoms of depression. I sleep more, eat more carbs (making my diet difficult when all I want is ravioli with alfredo sauce), get more sensitive than usual, and under stress I crack really easily. I mean, my Italian boss yelling at me to GO FASTER results in my eyes tearing up and going slower than usual. It's one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about snowboarding. It really helps.
A lot of people show mild symptoms of this, but mine are severe enough that sometimes warrent seeing a psychologist.
Why am I telling you this? It's because the past few days have been raining. Since Thursday the weather has been less than satisfactory. And because it's October, the days are getting shorter. My last week didn't go so well. When I had the oppertunity to clean my room, I slept on my couch. I couldn't stop swearing, especially talking to my friends. So neither of my goals were completed, but I'm hoping to do better this week.
Goal Number 5: Successfully write and deliver a five minute speech for Human Communications 101.
I have to present my speech on Wednesday, right before Ben does. I'm delivering it on How To Dress For Snowboarding, a topic I am VERY familiar with. I'm actually excited. Plus, I'm going first, so I don't have any time to sit there and think about how nervous I am.
Goal Number 7: Spend at least three hundred dollars at one time on myself.
I got my financial aid check! I'm going to deposit it later and then go shopping. I never spend any money on myself without buying something for someone else at the same time. I mean, last time I went shopping (with my boyfriend's brother who was shopping for his girlfriend's, my friend Lis's, birthday) I walked away with spending nothing on myself and fifty bucks on a sweatshirt for Ben. I suppose I compensated for Nick, who spent almost 300$ on himself and only 150$ on Lis. So my goal is to spend money on ME ME ME ME ME. I deserve to be selfish every once in awhile, don't I?
Wish me luck. Weather forecast says sun, so it's going to be better! It has to be. :)
A lot of people show mild symptoms of this, but mine are severe enough that sometimes warrent seeing a psychologist.
Why am I telling you this? It's because the past few days have been raining. Since Thursday the weather has been less than satisfactory. And because it's October, the days are getting shorter. My last week didn't go so well. When I had the oppertunity to clean my room, I slept on my couch. I couldn't stop swearing, especially talking to my friends. So neither of my goals were completed, but I'm hoping to do better this week.
Goal Number 5: Successfully write and deliver a five minute speech for Human Communications 101.
I have to present my speech on Wednesday, right before Ben does. I'm delivering it on How To Dress For Snowboarding, a topic I am VERY familiar with. I'm actually excited. Plus, I'm going first, so I don't have any time to sit there and think about how nervous I am.
Goal Number 7: Spend at least three hundred dollars at one time on myself.
I got my financial aid check! I'm going to deposit it later and then go shopping. I never spend any money on myself without buying something for someone else at the same time. I mean, last time I went shopping (with my boyfriend's brother who was shopping for his girlfriend's, my friend Lis's, birthday) I walked away with spending nothing on myself and fifty bucks on a sweatshirt for Ben. I suppose I compensated for Nick, who spent almost 300$ on himself and only 150$ on Lis. So my goal is to spend money on ME ME ME ME ME. I deserve to be selfish every once in awhile, don't I?
Wish me luck. Weather forecast says sun, so it's going to be better! It has to be. :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Say goodbye to Goals Number 12 and 13
Unfourtunetly, today I'm waving bye-bye to my two passing math goals. And these two text message conversations I had last night may explain why:
Stephanie: What's the math requirement at your school?
Adam: Not too high. You mean SAT?
S: No like degree. What classes would I need to take to get degree credit? I'm trying to decide what to do about math this year.
A: You're probably all set already. I think it's just basic algebra, geo, and an extra program whether it be trig, math studies, pre calc ..
S: I'm taking intermediate algebra now. My professor fails you if you get a b-.
A: Do sme more research, I'm not one hundred percent sure.
S: Thanks. I will. I got a 75 on my last test and he gave it a fail.
A: Dick.
S: Seriously.
You heard right. A seventy five percent, aka a C, means an F in this guys class. And a conversation with Ben, less informative than emotional.
Stephanie: I want to pass but I don't think I can.
Ben: Just give it your best honey and if you don't want to then you get a nice nap time.
Stephanie: I'm going to try but if thats not good enough then oh well :(
So, in conclusion, I'm scrapping two of my bigger goals. I'm not taking college math next semester, even if I do pass Intermediate Algebra. Cape Cod Community College is, for me, to discover who I am and what I want out of life. That's why I'm here. I don't want to do anything with math, so I'm going to explore psych and teaching classes next semester. I'll fill my math requirement at 'real college'.
I'll be replacing the two goals with other ones, once I think of them, as Replacement Goals (RGs) 1 and 2. It's not a 198/365 project, afterall. No fair copping out of goals and not replacing them.
Stephanie: What's the math requirement at your school?
Adam: Not too high. You mean SAT?
S: No like degree. What classes would I need to take to get degree credit? I'm trying to decide what to do about math this year.
A: You're probably all set already. I think it's just basic algebra, geo, and an extra program whether it be trig, math studies, pre calc ..
S: I'm taking intermediate algebra now. My professor fails you if you get a b-.
A: Do sme more research, I'm not one hundred percent sure.
S: Thanks. I will. I got a 75 on my last test and he gave it a fail.
A: Dick.
S: Seriously.
You heard right. A seventy five percent, aka a C, means an F in this guys class. And a conversation with Ben, less informative than emotional.
Stephanie: I want to pass but I don't think I can.
Ben: Just give it your best honey and if you don't want to then you get a nice nap time.
Stephanie: I'm going to try but if thats not good enough then oh well :(
So, in conclusion, I'm scrapping two of my bigger goals. I'm not taking college math next semester, even if I do pass Intermediate Algebra. Cape Cod Community College is, for me, to discover who I am and what I want out of life. That's why I'm here. I don't want to do anything with math, so I'm going to explore psych and teaching classes next semester. I'll fill my math requirement at 'real college'.
I'll be replacing the two goals with other ones, once I think of them, as Replacement Goals (RGs) 1 and 2. It's not a 198/365 project, afterall. No fair copping out of goals and not replacing them.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Week Three: A goal, another goal, and an award, oh my!
First of all, I recieved an award from my boyfriend's mother and sister! I joined after they did, and let me just say, their blog is so cool. I love the mother/daughter dynamic they have. It makes me wish my mom knew how to use a computer so I could blog with her. Go check it out @ Two Hands Full of Daisies for fashion, recipes and fun!
Anyway, my award!

Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
So sweet of them. :)
Onto my week! Short, because I've been busy. It's Thursday and Week Four starts Sundayish/Mondayish. Sahweet.
Goal Number 35: Get these kittens out of my room.
I love my boyfriend's cat, Floyd, and my sister's, Fifi, but my gosh are they terrors. I used to have pretty decorations, pictures, and oh my, a LAMP on surfaces in my room. Not anymore. We had the kittens in my room to keep them away from my dogs, who love to play but are a little rough for fragile kittens. My mom, however, let them out so they could play. Well, they're roaming freely around the house now. To complete this goal, I have to get my room back in order. And clean. And a lamp back on my bedside table.
Goal Number 113: Stop swearing.
Pretty self explanitory. My new friends have trash mouths, and I'm catching on. Bad, bad Stephanie.
I need your help!
For one of my goals, I'm asking for help from my readers. Goal Number 70: Write a successful blog. In my eyes, a successful blog is having 35+ (interested, supportive) followers. And I want to follow them, too! I love reading and learning about other people's lives. :) Currently, I have two. So, help me? I'd truly, deeply appreciate being mentioned, linked, anything. Or, even advice! Thank you so much guys. Love you.
Wish me luck!
Anyway, my award!

Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
So sweet of them. :)
Onto my week! Short, because I've been busy. It's Thursday and Week Four starts Sundayish/Mondayish. Sahweet.
Goal Number 35: Get these kittens out of my room.
I love my boyfriend's cat, Floyd, and my sister's, Fifi, but my gosh are they terrors. I used to have pretty decorations, pictures, and oh my, a LAMP on surfaces in my room. Not anymore. We had the kittens in my room to keep them away from my dogs, who love to play but are a little rough for fragile kittens. My mom, however, let them out so they could play. Well, they're roaming freely around the house now. To complete this goal, I have to get my room back in order. And clean. And a lamp back on my bedside table.
Goal Number 113: Stop swearing.
Pretty self explanitory. My new friends have trash mouths, and I'm catching on. Bad, bad Stephanie.
I need your help!
For one of my goals, I'm asking for help from my readers. Goal Number 70: Write a successful blog. In my eyes, a successful blog is having 35+ (interested, supportive) followers. And I want to follow them, too! I love reading and learning about other people's lives. :) Currently, I have two. So, help me? I'd truly, deeply appreciate being mentioned, linked, anything. Or, even advice! Thank you so much guys. Love you.
Wish me luck!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Goal Number 107: Make Blankets - Completed!
The other day, Ben and I went to JoAnn Fabrics to pick out some fleece for a blanket for him. He picked out a blue blanket with kind of a little kid's underwater theme-I love it. It's got octopus-es with pirate hats, goldfish, treasure chests and sharks. It's so cute!
It took me a few hours to cut up the fabric to make it just right. Two and a half yards of material was pretty intense to cut, but I didn't mind. Seeing Ben sleep under it all curled up was enough motivation for me!
We've slept under it every night so far, since I bought the material. Even when it wasn't done! It's not perfect, but he loves it. And that's what matters.
I'll post this week's goals up in a few hours. I'm starving and I have to go get my check, even though the banks are closed. :)
If you're lucky enough to have a day off today, I hope you're enjoying it!
It took me a few hours to cut up the fabric to make it just right. Two and a half yards of material was pretty intense to cut, but I didn't mind. Seeing Ben sleep under it all curled up was enough motivation for me!
We've slept under it every night so far, since I bought the material. Even when it wasn't done! It's not perfect, but he loves it. And that's what matters.
I'll post this week's goals up in a few hours. I'm starving and I have to go get my check, even though the banks are closed. :)
If you're lucky enough to have a day off today, I hope you're enjoying it!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Shopping List for Goal Number 66
The beauty of this goal, "Number 66: Go behind my mother's back and buy everything I'll need for dorm life, so come fall she won't need to spend a penny", is that I have so much time to complete it. But, I need to get orgainzed. I need a shopping list.
And everyone knows I love shopping!
3.Throw blanket
4. Pillow cases
5. Bath towels
6. Lounge pillow
7. Laundry bag
8. Plates
9. Fork, knife, spoon
10. Coffee mug
11. Bedside lamp
12. Alarm clock
13. Garbage pail
14. Trunk and/or plastic bins for storage
15. Hangers
16. Desk lamp
17.Dry erase board
18. Calender
21. Surge protector
22. Matress pad
23. Stapler
So far, that's what I think I'll need. I'll probably add more and more to this list as time goes on, as well as cross things off little by little.
And everyone knows I love shopping!
4. Pillow cases
5. Bath towels
6. Lounge pillow
7. Laundry bag
8. Plates
9. Fork, knife, spoon
10. Coffee mug
11. Bedside lamp
12. Alarm clock
13. Garbage pail
14. Trunk and/or plastic bins for storage
15. Hangers
16. Desk lamp
18. Calender
21. Surge protector
22. Matress pad
23. Stapler
So far, that's what I think I'll need. I'll probably add more and more to this list as time goes on, as well as cross things off little by little.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Goal Number 51: Drive to Vermont - Completed!
Yum yum maple candy, yum yum maple syrup, yum yum maple butter and yum yum maple jimmies. Bad, bad Stephanie for spending $130 in one day.
It was totally worth it.
On Monday after my last class, Ben and I booked it to Caffe e Dolci to pick up my check. We went to the bank, got directions and lectures from Ben's dad about going at a time that was inconvient for him to tag along, and finally, finally, finally I was behind the wheel of my beautiful car on the highway.
Ben fell asleep right after we made it through the Sagamore traffic. Which was fine by me, I got to turn up Miley Cyrus without worrying whether he cared or not (he insists he doesn't, but I'm sure Party In The USA gets annoying the fourth time a Nirvana fan hears it).
Ben continued to sleep as I drove through the beautiful city of Boston. No, really, people might laugh at that, but I LOVE Boston. The moment I pass exit 17 in Braintree and I'm able to see jets in the air, I get all happy and feel like I'm home. I can't wait to call the city of Boston home.
As soon as I got onto I-93, though, heavy traffic. I hate the word congested to describe traffic, but that's what it was. Under the tunnel and over the Tobin Bridge and I was home free. I woke Ben up for his turn to drive as soon as we made it into New Hampshire.
He drove through the mountains and I just lost myself in the scenery. We crossed the Vermont border and in no time at all, it seemed, we were getting lost in the small town of Quechee. Eventually, we found the little shop, which was just closing up.
They let us in, thank God, and we got our stuff. I spent fifty bucks on maple crap, but it's going to be worth it. I'll make it worth it. We literally stayed in Vermont for a half hour, but I completed my goal. So there.
No, it was a lot of fun. I love spending time with my love.
My last class was cancelled today and the weather sucks, so I'll probably go to JoAnn fabrics and get some fleece to start a blanket. It's the perfect cold, windy, gross day for a new fleece blanket.
It was totally worth it.
On Monday after my last class, Ben and I booked it to Caffe e Dolci to pick up my check. We went to the bank, got directions and lectures from Ben's dad about going at a time that was inconvient for him to tag along, and finally, finally, finally I was behind the wheel of my beautiful car on the highway.
Ben fell asleep right after we made it through the Sagamore traffic. Which was fine by me, I got to turn up Miley Cyrus without worrying whether he cared or not (he insists he doesn't, but I'm sure Party In The USA gets annoying the fourth time a Nirvana fan hears it).
Ben continued to sleep as I drove through the beautiful city of Boston. No, really, people might laugh at that, but I LOVE Boston. The moment I pass exit 17 in Braintree and I'm able to see jets in the air, I get all happy and feel like I'm home. I can't wait to call the city of Boston home.
As soon as I got onto I-93, though, heavy traffic. I hate the word congested to describe traffic, but that's what it was. Under the tunnel and over the Tobin Bridge and I was home free. I woke Ben up for his turn to drive as soon as we made it into New Hampshire.
He drove through the mountains and I just lost myself in the scenery. We crossed the Vermont border and in no time at all, it seemed, we were getting lost in the small town of Quechee. Eventually, we found the little shop, which was just closing up.
They let us in, thank God, and we got our stuff. I spent fifty bucks on maple crap, but it's going to be worth it. I'll make it worth it. We literally stayed in Vermont for a half hour, but I completed my goal. So there.
No, it was a lot of fun. I love spending time with my love.
My last class was cancelled today and the weather sucks, so I'll probably go to JoAnn fabrics and get some fleece to start a blanket. It's the perfect cold, windy, gross day for a new fleece blanket.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Week Two: Was making Ben a Facebook a goal? Well, it should've been.
So, to sum up this week, two out of the three goals I set up to complete were, in fact, completed. However, I did subscribe to Glamour, completing another goal, so in a way it makes up for it.
I just finished making Boyfriend aka Benjamin aka Ben a Facebook. I had a good time doing so. He's not really into the social-networking scene, which is understandable, but I (selfishly) wanted to be able to have a relationship status with a link to his name. I suppose that's my middle school girl showing herself.
Oh, you know. AIM profiles with big I LOVE YOU JOE written in there. That kind of middle school girl.
Anyway, this week looks more on the busy side, so I'm setting out to complete two goals:
Goal Number 51: Drive to Vermont to get maple products.
Vermont is beautiful this time of the year, with all the leaves changing color and everything. GOREGOUS. Plus, I love maple candy, maple butter, maple syrup... my sweet tooth can't take it anymore. Let's leave NOW.
Goal Number 107: Make blankets.
I will buy fleece to make a blanket for someone. I miss doing this, it's therapeutic. Plus, the look on their face when they recieve it is great. Or maybe I'll keep it for myself. Who knows, I just know that a fleece blanket in the fall is a beautiful thing. Yes, yes it is.
I'm going to get my bum off the couch now to go do something slightly productive. Wish me luck for this week!
I just finished making Boyfriend aka Benjamin aka Ben a Facebook. I had a good time doing so. He's not really into the social-networking scene, which is understandable, but I (selfishly) wanted to be able to have a relationship status with a link to his name. I suppose that's my middle school girl showing herself.
Oh, you know. AIM profiles with big I LOVE YOU JOE written in there. That kind of middle school girl.
Anyway, this week looks more on the busy side, so I'm setting out to complete two goals:
Goal Number 51: Drive to Vermont to get maple products.
Vermont is beautiful this time of the year, with all the leaves changing color and everything. GOREGOUS. Plus, I love maple candy, maple butter, maple syrup... my sweet tooth can't take it anymore. Let's leave NOW.
Goal Number 107: Make blankets.
I will buy fleece to make a blanket for someone. I miss doing this, it's therapeutic. Plus, the look on their face when they recieve it is great. Or maybe I'll keep it for myself. Who knows, I just know that a fleece blanket in the fall is a beautiful thing. Yes, yes it is.
I'm going to get my bum off the couch now to go do something slightly productive. Wish me luck for this week!
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