Monday, October 26, 2009

Goal Number 120+121: Pumpkin Pick/Carve a Pumpkin - Completed!

Benji and I went to Lambert's today, where we did not find the 'perfect pumpkin'. So we made our way down to Mahoney's where we found two picture perfect pumpkins to bring home and carve.

And so we did! We got to his house, he showered, and we set up the newspapers on his dining room table. We got right down to business. He was done with his top before I had gotten even halfway. He's good at getting the guts out, and I get distracted too easily by how yucky it feels.

I carved mine all cutesy and Ben carved his scary. He found a mini hatchet (I guess it's a cheese knife?) and stuck it in the head. Shelley's was by far the best- she handcarved Boo! in her pumpkin. And didn't even use a sketch.


  1. How about some photos of these fabulous projects! My house smelled like roasting pumpkin when they left the tea lights burning too long!

  2. Aww, I want to see these pumpkins! I've never ever carved a pumpkin in my life. Is that weird?

  3. Kathy: Haha, sorry! At least the pumpkin seeds smelled amazing...

    Amy: I'll post pictures as soon as I find my camera. It seems to have mysteriously disappeared... :(

  4. What a great idea for a blog, Stephanie!! I'll have to do some reading to catch up on your goals. : )
