Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week Three: A goal, another goal, and an award, oh my!

First of all, I recieved an award from my boyfriend's mother and sister! I joined after they did, and let me just say, their blog is so cool. I love the mother/daughter dynamic they have. It makes me wish my mom knew how to use a computer so I could blog with her. Go check it out @ Two Hands Full of Daisies for fashion, recipes and fun!

Anyway, my award!

Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

So sweet of them. :)

Onto my week! Short, because I've been busy. It's Thursday and Week Four starts Sundayish/Mondayish. Sahweet.

Goal Number 35: Get these kittens out of my room.
I love my boyfriend's cat, Floyd, and my sister's, Fifi, but my gosh are they terrors. I used to have pretty decorations, pictures, and oh my, a LAMP on surfaces in my room. Not anymore. We had the kittens in my room to keep them away from my dogs, who love to play but are a little rough for fragile kittens. My mom, however, let them out so they could play. Well, they're roaming freely around the house now. To complete this goal, I have to get my room back in order. And clean. And a lamp back on my bedside table.

Goal Number 113: Stop swearing.
Pretty self explanitory. My new friends have trash mouths, and I'm catching on. Bad, bad Stephanie.

I need your help!
For one of my goals, I'm asking for help from my readers. Goal Number 70: Write a successful blog. In my eyes, a successful blog is having 35+ (interested, supportive) followers. And I want to follow them, too! I love reading and learning about other people's lives. :) Currently, I have two. So, help me? I'd truly, deeply appreciate being mentioned, linked, anything. Or, even advice! Thank you so much guys. Love you.

Wish me luck!


  1. Awww, kitties are so cute, but so so destructive, haha! As for your blog plea, the key is definitely to get out there and comment/follow other people's blogs. That way, they'll be aware of you and usually will do the same for you! You're on my blogroll, so hopefully you'll get some new visitors because of that! I also find that regular updates keeps the visitors coming too! You'll have 35+ followers in no time!

  2. Oh yes, they are. As of right now, one of them is trying to headbutt her reflection in the back of my computer. Silly kittens.

    And thanks for the advice! I'm going to work on putting my name out there. I love all the different types of blogs people have. How could anyone ever get bored? Thank you again!

  3. I second amy kelinda...get out there are read others! That will bring people to you when you sign on to follow them. Also, I know that you take pictures ALL the time and I think it would be nice to see some of them in your posts! You are doing a great job!
