Monday, December 14, 2009

Week Twelve: Christmastime is upon us!

No, seriously. When did it sneak up on me like this?!

I never completed either of my goals last week. Phooey on me. I can list off a billion excuses for this, but I'll spare you and just chalk it up to my own neglect. Oh well. They'll be done eventually.

Goal Number 6: Sit through a movie marathon with a best girl friend.
Once upon a time, an old friend of mine broke up with her first serious boyfriend. Distraught followed, as it often does with sophomores of high school, and her and her two best friends, me and another girl, sat through a movie marathon together. One all nighter and nine movies later, I can't sit still through one movie, never mind three. Three is my goal.

And, in relation to that...
Goal Number 16: Sit through an entire Lord of the Rings movie.
FML on this one. I fast-forwarded through the entire series on my fourteenth birthday with my cousins. I basically got that a tree walks, battle scenes, walking walking walking, boring boring boring. But I get just short of smacked every time I say I've never officially seen it, so here goes nothing.

Goal Number 18: Host a movie night.
Maybe I can change this one to plan a movie night, since I'm not the one with the giant HDTV in my living room. Oh, Samaaaaaantha!

Goal Number 147: Make a list of 20 movies people are astonished to learn that I've never seen and watch them all.
Topping this list would be The Goonies.

Winter weather means movie time.

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