Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T - 2

Challenge: Complete 200 goals from List in, or under, 365 Days.

Contender: Me, myself, and I, with some assistance from my family and friends. Come on, no one ever gets anywhere without their loved ones. And the ones that say they do are lying.

Who am I, you ask? My name is Stephanie. Stephanie's it. I have no nicknames. I despise being called Steph or Stephie or Phanie, for Heavens sake. I'm eighteen years old and in my freshman year of (stinkin' community) college. I live on Cape Cod, where you've probably been if you've ever looked at a "World's Best Beaches" calendar. Yes, I have one in my room. Yes, a beach in the next town over is featured in January, among Hawaii and Fiji and Jamaica. My boyfriend and my sister are my very best friends, but you'll quickly learn that I call everyone my best friend. The distinction between family and friends isn't clear with me. I like the color pink. Anything else you need to know, you're just going to have to read on.

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