Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goal Number 194: Buy and Keep Up With a Planner - Completed!

One of my more practical goals, this was pretty important. I bought a little blue planner from CVS, which is currently sitting on my kitchen table with all my school things. I've already put all my major assignments for school in it and my week looks pretty booked. Oi.

Anyway, a planner is just what I need. I currently have a 3.6 GPA (my highest ever!) and I don't want that to drop. Maintaining that GPA is enough motivation for me to work extra hard at school, even with the additional class I'm taking and the additional hours I'm working.

I feel good, getting back on track and completing some of these goals. Winter break was a stressful time for me, but I'm much happier getting back into routine. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting back on track! When I was in college, I found that it helped to get one of those giant calendars that you can write on and hang 2 months at a time on my wall. I wrote in all of my classes (color coded!) assignments/papers so I could keep a visual reference of just how much time I had to complete things. It really helped, especially since college can get CRAZY!
