Friday, October 16, 2009

Say goodbye to Goals Number 12 and 13

Unfourtunetly, today I'm waving bye-bye to my two passing math goals. And these two text message conversations I had last night may explain why:

Stephanie: What's the math requirement at your school?
Adam: Not too high. You mean SAT?
S: No like degree. What classes would I need to take to get degree credit? I'm trying to decide what to do about math this year.
A: You're probably all set already. I think it's just basic algebra, geo, and an extra program whether it be trig, math studies, pre calc ..
S: I'm taking intermediate algebra now. My professor fails you if you get a b-.
A: Do sme more research, I'm not one hundred percent sure.
S: Thanks. I will. I got a 75 on my last test and he gave it a fail.
A: Dick.
S: Seriously.

You heard right. A seventy five percent, aka a C, means an F in this guys class. And a conversation with Ben, less informative than emotional.

Stephanie: I want to pass but I don't think I can.
Ben: Just give it your best honey and if you don't want to then you get a nice nap time.
Stephanie: I'm going to try but if thats not good enough then oh well :(

So, in conclusion, I'm scrapping two of my bigger goals. I'm not taking college math next semester, even if I do pass Intermediate Algebra. Cape Cod Community College is, for me, to discover who I am and what I want out of life. That's why I'm here. I don't want to do anything with math, so I'm going to explore psych and teaching classes next semester. I'll fill my math requirement at 'real college'.

I'll be replacing the two goals with other ones, once I think of them, as Replacement Goals (RGs) 1 and 2. It's not a 198/365 project, afterall. No fair copping out of goals and not replacing them.


  1. Ugh, I hated college math. I was a communications major though, so I didn't need too much math to fulfill my credits, haha! Good luck with those classes, though!

  2. You really should check with the admissions dept. of the schools to which you are applying! With my Liberal Arts, math was not needed or they took my Accounting as math requirement. Check all the degree requirements to make sure.
