Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Drum roll, please!

Lookie what I got!

Thank you so much to Jenni over at (clever title goes here)! I love the encouragement I've started to get from many readers around the blogspace! If I could give you all a big hug, I would. Seriously.

Now, the 35 Questions.

1. Where is your cell phone?
Sitting right next to my laptop.

2. Your hair?
My hair is wavy, brown, and unruly. I can only successfully straighten the right side, the left side rebels and prefers to stay wavy. It's past my shoulders, finally, and I'm going to grow it past my shoulder blades/long enough to donate for the third time to Locks of Love.

3. Your Mother?
Most likely at work somewhere in Dennis. She's a homemaker and visits all the elderly folk around the Cape, cleaning up after them and hanging out with them, keeping them company while they watch daytime TV.

4. Your Father?
He's presumably at work in Hyannis, Nantucket, Eastham, Sandwich or Yarmouth. My parents have been divorced almost ten years, and he lives in New Bedford. I don't see him as often as I used to, so he's harder to keep track of.

5. Your favorite food?
Ice cream! Cheese raviolis! Anything that being lactose intolerant should prevent me from having, but I eat anyway cause I just looove it so much. Even now I'm sitting here cursing how delicious bagels with cream cheese are. Owwwww...

6. Your dream from last night?
I honestly can't remember.

7. Your favorite drink?
Coconut strawberry Italian sodas, but only if I make them. I also enjoy really chocolatey hot chocolate, peppermint mochas, and water. Oh boy, I love water.

8. Your dream/goal?
To be happy wherever my life ends up.

9. What room are you in?
The "quiet study" room of the library at Cape Cod Community College, even though I have no homework to be doing. I love this place for it's peace and quiet.

10. What are your hobbies?
Snowboaridng, surfing (the waves and the web), learning, writing, reading, Facebooking, shopping, dreaming...

11. What is your fear?
Tragedy, of any kind.

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
In six years I'll be almost 25. So I'll answer that with on a plane to anywhere. My twenties are going to be full of traveling, if I get my way!

13. Where were you last night?
In bed by 8:30, watching Dilbert.

14. Something you are not?
Patient. Especially when someone mutters the word surprise.

15. Muffins?
Cranberry, please!

16. Wish List Items?
I haven't made a wich list yet. I don't really get it. Could someone please explain?!

17. Where did you grow up?
Same little house I live in now, on Cape Cod.

18. Last thing you did?
Talked to my long lost favorite cousin, Hayley, on Facebook. I haven't spoken to her in maybe three years because she's been shipped from one problem house to the next. Finally I think she's found some stability. Her mom just died of swine flu, so we were talking about that. :(

19. What are you wearing?
American Eagle jeans, Hollister sweatshirt (my first Hollister purchase), tank top, and flip flops.

20. Your TV?
Personally, I don't have one. I got rid of it years ago. I do, however, watch my mother's TV and my boyfriend's family's TV.

21. Your pets?
Five cats. Floyd, Fifi, and Hayley (not the same as my cousin!) live at my mother's, and Sadie and CiCi live at my dad's. Two dogs, Oliver and Chloe.

22. Your friends?
Benji, Sam, Ethan, Adam, Jared, Jack, Parisa, Vinny, Lis, Samantha, Nick, Laurel, Kevin, Cat, Alli, Twig.

23. Your life?
Zero complaints. I love my life.

24. Your mood?
Annoyed, since I have to go to stupid ol' math in twenty minutes. But overall, I'm happy.

25. Missing Someone?
Hayley, the cousin one, not the cat one.

26. Vehicle?
2005 powder blue Ford Mustang.

27. Something you're not wearing?

28. Your favorite store?
Anything online.

29. Your favorite color?

30. Last time you laughed?
Half hour ago-ish.

31. Last time you cried?
The night before last.

32. Your best friend?
Benji, and everyone else.

33. One place you go to over and over?

34. One person who emails you regularly?
Facebook with notifications.

35. Favorite place to eat?
Sam Diego's. Fried ice cream, end of story.


Again, thank you so much! I'll be back posting later this afternoon. I had to take an unexpected hiatus when the Halloween activities began (which means goals have been completed!), my mom's aunt died of swine flu, and school started getting difficult. Yesterday I wrote a five page research paper on the late great Karen Horney.

I'll catch up on this project and catch up on all of you later!

...and a big hello to my new followers. Welcome!


  1. You're welcome, and keep up the blogging. I'm sorry to hear of your family loss; much comfort to you in these hard times.

  2. Congrats on the new followers! I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. That is so unfortunate. I hope you all take care!
