Saturday, November 14, 2009

Goal Number 35: Get These Kittens Out of My Room - Completed!

Okay, fair is fair. These kittens have technically been out of my room for a few weeks, but my room was still trashed. I should have worn a HAZMAT suit while I was cleaning it, but hey, I'm still breathing.

But guess what?! Two hours, five bags of garbage, and three loads of laundry later, I'm done. My room feels like mine again! My bed is all made, my mirror is decorated, my things are all in their places!

Okay, this 'complete' might be a little premature. I still need to gather my hair straightener and welcome it to my room ("Hello, Conair Dryer, meet Chi Straightener. I know she's a little snobby, but you'll get used to her. She makes my hair silky smooth and straight, you'll love her!") and put away my entire collection of clothes that have been hanging out all over my house. I never realized I had so many! It's going to take, like, a half hour! And the pasta at Sweet Tomatoes is calling my name! I can hear it!

...I guess I have time to finish. Darn.

1 comment:

  1. Nick has been doing the same thing all day! I even sent him to the laundry mat. Can you imagine one person having 4 loads for the BIG washer!
