Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tonight is gonna be a good, good night.

Tonight, Benji and I are going on a 'big date'! We're going to go see a movie, hopefully there's something good playing, and we're going to go out to dinner at the cafe. I'm so excited! I'm going to wear my loverly new dress, black tights and black mini heels. And my Northface, which I haven't worn in awhile. I sure hope it still fits.

I don't think I've ever posted a picture of Ben and I. So here we are!

But the real reason I was updating was to talk about how much better I feel about myself. Over the past few weeks, I feel way more confident than I ever have. I still have my things I hate about my body, but don't we all? At least I'm working on it. I've also been buying clothes that I feel comfortable in. In other words, I've been shopping for my body now, not what I want it to be. And it's working. Seriously. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! That is the right way to shop and look good at the same time!

    Have fun tonight, you two deserve it!
